Jane Eyre

March 22, 2011


Saw a sneak preview of Jane Eyre, the movie, this past weekend and while I will always treasure the book as one of my all time favourite classics, I must say I did enjoy the film. The theatre was packed on a sunny Spring morning and listening in to the conversations outside after it seems the reviews were unanimously positive. All the actors were impressive and of course Judi Dench as Mrs. Fairfax was perfection. The bold and witty repartee for which Jane is admired by her readers is duly captured in some great scenes. You will be caught up by the cinematography – I overheard a gentleman in the lobby post-movie exclaiming “I feel like I’ve been blown about the heath myself!”  I am pretty sure he thought that was a good thing. The countryside really is beautiful and plays a significant role.

Opening here in Canada on Friday, March 25th.  Hope you enjoy it too!

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